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Debug statistics and flags for Excalibur. If polling these values, it would be best to do so on the postupdate event for Engine, after all values have been updated during a frame.






body: { showAll: boolean; showCollisionGroup: boolean; showCollisionType: boolean; showMass: boolean; showMotion: boolean; showSleeping: boolean } = ...

Body component debug settings

Type declaration

  • showAll: boolean
  • showCollisionGroup: boolean
  • showCollisionType: boolean
  • showMass: boolean
  • showMotion: boolean
  • showSleeping: boolean


camera: { focusColor: Color; showAll: boolean; showFocus: boolean; showZoom: boolean } = ...

Camera debug settings

Type declaration

  • focusColor: Color
  • showAll: boolean
  • showFocus: boolean
  • showZoom: boolean


collider: { boundsColor: Color; geometryColor: Color; geometryLineWidth: number; geometryPointSize: number; showAll: boolean; showBounds: boolean; showGeometry: boolean; showOwner: boolean } = ...

Collider component debug settings

Type declaration

  • boundsColor: Color
  • geometryColor: Color
  • geometryLineWidth: number
  • geometryPointSize: number
  • showAll: boolean
  • showBounds: boolean
  • showGeometry: boolean
  • showOwner: boolean


colorBlindMode: ColorBlindFlags

Correct or simulate color blindness using ColorBlindnessPostProcessor.


Will reduce FPS.


entity: { showAll: boolean; showId: boolean; showName: boolean } = ...

Entity debug settings

Type declaration

  • showAll: boolean
  • showId: boolean
  • showName: boolean


filter: { ids: number[]; nameQuery: string; useFilter: boolean } = ...

Filter debug context to named entities or entity ids

Type declaration

  • ids: number[]
  • nameQuery: string
  • useFilter: boolean


graphics: { boundsColor: Color; showAll: boolean; showBounds: boolean } = ...

Graphics component debug settings

Type declaration

  • boundsColor: Color
  • showAll: boolean
  • showBounds: boolean


isometric: { gridColor: Color; gridWidth: number; positionColor: Color; positionSize: number; showAll: boolean; showColliderGeometry: boolean; showGrid: boolean; showPosition: boolean } = ...

Type declaration

  • gridColor: Color
  • gridWidth: number
  • positionColor: Color
  • positionSize: number
  • showAll: boolean
  • showColliderGeometry: boolean
  • showGrid: boolean
  • showPosition: boolean


motion: { accelerationColor: Color; showAcceleration: boolean; showAll: boolean; showVelocity: boolean; velocityColor: Color } = ...

Motion component debug settings

Type declaration

  • accelerationColor: Color
  • showAcceleration: boolean
  • showAll: boolean
  • showVelocity: boolean
  • velocityColor: Color


physics: { collisionContactColor: Color; collisionNormalColor: Color; contactSize: number; showAll: boolean; showBroadphaseSpacePartitionDebug: boolean; showCollisionContacts: boolean; showCollisionNormals: boolean } = ...

Physics simulation debug settings

Type declaration

  • collisionContactColor: Color
  • collisionNormalColor: Color
  • contactSize: number
  • showAll: boolean
  • showBroadphaseSpacePartitionDebug: boolean
  • showCollisionContacts: boolean
  • showCollisionNormals: boolean


stats: DebugStats = ...

Performance statistics


tilemap: { gridColor: Color; gridWidth: number; showAll: boolean; showColliderGeometry: boolean; showGrid: boolean; showSolidBounds: boolean; solidBoundsColor: Color } = ...

Type declaration

  • gridColor: Color
  • gridWidth: number
  • showAll: boolean
  • showColliderGeometry: boolean
  • showGrid: boolean
  • showSolidBounds: boolean
  • solidBoundsColor: Color


transform: { debugZIndex: number; positionColor: Color; rotationColor: Color; scaleColor: Color; showAll: boolean; showPosition: boolean; showPositionLabel: boolean; showRotation: boolean; showScale: boolean; showZIndex: boolean } = ...

Transform component debug settings

Type declaration

  • debugZIndex: number
  • positionColor: Color
  • rotationColor: Color
  • scaleColor: Color
  • showAll: boolean
  • showPosition: boolean
  • showPositionLabel: boolean
  • showRotation: boolean
  • showScale: boolean
  • showZIndex: boolean



  • Switch the current excalibur clock with the StandardClock and return it in the same running state.

    This is useful when you need to switch back to normal mode after debugging.

    Returns StandardClock


  • Switch the current excalibur clock with the TestClock and return it in the same running state.

    This is useful when you need to debug frame by frame.

    Returns TestClock