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Excalibur 0.2.0 Released!

· One min read
Erik Onarheim
Maintainer of Excalibur

We are very proud to announce Excalibur v0.2.0! There are tons of awesome new features!

Check out the full release notes on GitHub!

Release notes summary

  • Collision Map Implementation for building large static collidable levels
  • Support for redundant fallback sound sources for cross browser support
  • Particle Emitter Implementation
  • Trigger Implementation
  • Timer Implemenation
  • Camera Effects: zoom, shake
  • Polygon IDrawable
  • Alias ‘on’ and 'off’ for 'addEventListener’ and 'removeEventListener’
  • Optimized draw so only on screen elements are drawn
  • Support Scale in the x and y directions for actors
  • Added notion of collision grouping
  • New Events like 'enterviewport’, 'exitviewport’, and 'initialize’
  • Textures allow direct pixel manipulation
  • Static Logger improvements with ’.debug()’, ’.info()’, ’.warn()’ and ’.error()’
  • Added callMethod() action to actor
  • Added fade() action to actor
  • Added follow() and meet() action to actor

Installation options

  • Install with NugGet: Install-Package Excalibur
  • Install with npm: npm install excalibur
  • Install with bower: bower install excalibur