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The Physics object is the global configuration object for all Excalibur physics.


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30






acc: Vector = ...

Global acceleration that is applied to all vanilla actors that have a active collision type. Global acceleration won't effect labels, ui actors, or triggers in Excalibur.

This is a great way to globally simulate effects like gravity.


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


bodiesCanSleepByDefault: boolean = false

By default bodies do not sleep


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


boundsPadding: number = 5

Pad RigidBody BoundingBox by a constant amount


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


broadphaseStrategy: DynamicAABBTree = BroadphaseStrategy.DynamicAABBTree

Gets or sets the broadphase pair identification strategy.

The default strategy is BroadphaseStrategy.DynamicAABBTree which uses a binary tree of axis-aligned bounding boxes to identify potential collision pairs which is O(nlog(n)) faster.


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


checkForFastBodies: boolean = true

Enable fast moving body checking, this enables checking for collision pairs via raycast for fast moving objects to prevent bodies from tunneling through one another.


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


collisionResolutionStrategy: SolverStrategy = SolverStrategy.Arcade

Gets or sets the global collision resolution strategy (narrowphase).

The default is SolverStrategy.Arcade which performs simple axis aligned arcade style physics.

More advanced rigid body physics are enabled by setting SolverStrategy.Realistic which allows for complicated simulated physical interactions.


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


defaultMass: number = 10

The default mass to use if none is specified


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


disableMinimumSpeedForFastBody: boolean = false

Disable minimum fast moving body raycast, by default if ex.Physics.checkForFastBodies = true Excalibur will only check if the body is moving at least half of its minimum dimension in an update. If ex.Physics.disableMinimumSpeedForFastBody is set to true, Excalibur will always perform the fast body raycast regardless of speed.


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


dynamicTreeVelocityMultiplier: number = 2

Factor to add to the RigidBody BoundingBox, bounding box (dimensions += vel * dynamicTreeVelocityMultiplier);


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


enabled: boolean = true

Globally switches all Excalibur physics behavior on or off.


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


integrator: Euler = Integrator.Euler

Gets or sets the position and velocity positional integrator, currently only Euler is supported.


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


positionIterations: number = 3

Number of position iterations (overlap) to run in the solver


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


sleepBias: number = 0.9

Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


sleepEpsilon: number = 0.07

Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


slop: number = 1

Amount of overlap to tolerate in pixels


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


steeringFactor: number = 0.2

Amount of positional overlap correction to apply each position iteration of the solver O - meaning no correction, 1 - meaning correct all overlap


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


surfaceEpsilon: number = 0.1

Surface epsilon is used to help deal with surface penetration


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


velocityIterations: number = 8

Number of velocity iteration (response) to run in the solver


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


wakeThreshold: number = ...

Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30


warmStart: boolean = true

Warm start set to true re-uses impulses from previous frames back in the solver


Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30



  • @deprecated

    Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30

    Returns Vector

  • Parameters

    Returns void



  • useArcadePhysics(): void
  • Configures Excalibur to use "arcade" physics. Arcade physics which performs simple axis aligned arcade style physics.


    Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30

    Returns void


  • useRealisticPhysics(): void
  • Configures Excalibur to use rigid body physics. Rigid body physics allows for complicated simulated physical interactions.


    Use engine args to configure Physics new ex.Engine({physics: {...}}), will be removed in v0.30

    Returns void