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Step 7 - Refactor to Config Constants

Using magic numbers in your code can start to get tricky as your code base grows. We recommend creating a config.ts file to hold these numbers with names that mean something to you and your game.

We go through and move all our numbers into this file.

// config.ts
import * as ex from 'excalibur';
export const Config = {
BirdStartPos: ex.vec(200, 300),
BirdAcceleration: 1200,
BirdJumpVelocity: -800,
BirdMinVelocity: -500,
BirdMaxVelocity: 500,
PipeSpeed: 200,
PipeInterval: 1500,
PipeGap: 150
} as const;
// config.ts
import * as ex from 'excalibur';
export const Config = {
BirdStartPos: ex.vec(200, 300),
BirdAcceleration: 1200,
BirdJumpVelocity: -800,
BirdMinVelocity: -500,
BirdMaxVelocity: 500,
PipeSpeed: 200,
PipeInterval: 1500,
PipeGap: 150
} as const;

You might have noticed an as const. This tells TypeScript that this Config object will never change at runtime and you can count on the keys being there which is useful for configuration.